Friday, September 25, 2009
Friday metal...
On December 13th 2001 the metal community lost a true hero.. Chuck Schuldiner founded a band in 1983 under the name Mantas. A year later they changed the name to Death. The band was one of the pioneers in death-metal and Chuck was a great guitar-player and songwriter.. Here is one from the 1991 Human album.. Enjoy ;o)
Monday, September 21, 2009

Friday, September 18, 2009
Friday Rock...
Icelandic Brain Police is one of the best Stoner Rock bands in the world today!
When they played at Landsmot, which is the main motorcycle rally in Iceland, a few years back. Someone pulled the plug on them, because they thought the band was too loud and the music was too heavy! Well that is plain stupid if you ask me and Brain Police swore to newer play at a MC rally ever again. Which is a damn shame because they rock big time?
Monday, September 14, 2009
Once up on a time in Iceland..

Saturday, September 12, 2009
Rodding around

Ready to race...
Friday, September 11, 2009
Friday FUCKING Metal...

Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Storming the castle..

Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Factory photo..
Monday, September 7, 2009
Norways first Evo chop..

John ”Jonna” Lillegård is, with out a doubt, the godfather of the chopper culture here in Norway. The last 8-9 years I have had the pleasure of being able to call him my friend ;o) The man is a wandering history of the Scandinavian chopper culture. He started his chopper carear in Carolina MC Sweden in the seventies. In 1979 he started Carolina MC in Oslo (capitol of Norway) later they chanced their name to Customizers MC. In 1983 Customizers MC dissolved in to 2 clubs, Rabies MC and Company MC which is the club Jonna rides with today. The bike he rides is a 1952 hardtail with a 1340cc Evolution engine. Jonna ordered the engine from the Factory in August 1983. The springer forks are designed by Jonna and build by Calles in Sweden. They are 29,5 inches over stock.
A true chopper hero in my books!!
Click on the Joe Bar drawing at the bottom of the blog, and you will find out more about Jonna ;o)
Friday, September 4, 2009
Friday Metal...
Angela Gossow is, with out a doubt, the coolest female metal screamer in the world today!
I saw Arch Enemy live at Norway Rock Festival this summer and they blew me away.. Swedish metal and a hot German chick with a scary voice! Can you beat that? I always wonder how it would be like to be living together with her and deny to do the dishes or vacuum clean ;o)
Found this video on the www.. The footage is from London a few years back..