Friday, December 23, 2011
Christmas card...
Saturday, October 22, 2011
The Land Of Ice And Snow, Where The Midnight Sun & The Hot Springs Flow..
Well this is the first time I post something here that is not music or motorcycle related! But I came over this wonderful video by a photographer named Joe Capra on facebook. He came to Iceland this summer and took some amazing pictures and this video. It really shows what Icelandic nature is all about! And like he says; You MUST visit Iceland sometime during your lifetime. You will never regret it!
Well I copy-pasted his own description of his trip and photos, as I think he describes it very well:
Midnight Sun: A natural phenomenon occurring in the summer months north of the Arctic Circle and south of the Antarctic Circle where the sun never fully sets and remains visible 24 hours a day.
This short time lapse film was shot during the Icelandic Midnight Sun in June of 2011.
For 17 days I traveled solo around the entire island shooting almost 24 hours, sleeping in the car, and eating whenever I had the time. During my days shooting this film I shot 38,000 images, traveled some 2900 miles, and saw some of the most amazing, beautiful, and indescribable landscapes on the planet. Iceland is absolutely one of the most beautiful and unusual places you could ever imagine. Especially during the Midnight Sun when the quality of light hitting the landscape is very unusual, and very spectacular.
Iceland is a landscape photographers paradise and playground, and should be number 1 on every photographers must visit list. Iceland during the Midnight Sun is in sort of a permanent state of sunset. The sun never full sets and travels horizontally across the horizon throughout the night, as can be seen in the opening shot and at the :51 second mark in the video.
During the Arctic summer, sunset was at midnight and sunrise was at 3am. The Arctic summer sun provided 24 hours a day of light, with as much as 6 hours daily of "Golden light". Once the sun had set it wouldn't even get dark enough for the stars to come out, and they don't start to reappear until August.
My advice to everyone out there, photographer or not, is simple... You MUST visit Iceland sometime during your lifetime. You will never regret it.
If you want to follow my future photographic events you can find me at:
Google+ (
Twitter (
Vimeo (
Facebook (!/profile.php?id=163137190447579&__user=1298821988)
Motion Control System:
The motion controlled shots in this film were shot using the Stage Zero dolly system made by Dynamic Perception (
Cameras and Lenses:
2 Canon 5DII DSLR cameras
1 Canon 7D
Various Canon lenses
Music by This Will Destroy You
Song: "The World is Our"
Buy It on iTunes:
Special Thanks to:
Dynamic Perception (
Jag35 (
Kessler Crane (
LRTimelapse (
Timescapes (
Friday, October 21, 2011
Friday Black Metal...
Satyricon is, and has been, one of the best Black Metal acts in Norway. Sigurd Von Graven has taken on a bit of a rockabilly look (which I think suits him better than the old black metal look..) and Frost rules the drum kit like always! In other words... ...Pretty COOL!! ;)
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Icelandic Enduro..

The past summer I have been back and forth between Iceland & Norway trying to tie up some loose ends, fixing my house before I rent it out, trying to get some money from the insurance company and generally short things out after the fire in my workshop. For the first time in years I haven't been riding Harleys this summer and I haven´t been to any rallies or any kind of biker-related things. Instead I have been riding my Enduro bike here in Iceland. I think that Iceland is one of the best places in the world to ride Enduro & off road bikes! Here is a little collection of snapshots taken this summer & fall. The pictures that look as they are taken on the moon ;) are from a lava desert near the volcano Hekla here in Iceland. A super cool riding area with endless hills and lava sand as far as you can see. Other pictures are taken on small daytrips around the Reykjavik area. To mount Skálafell that has the ski slopes I used to blast down as a kid. Due to lack of snow the resort hasn’t been in use for many years now. That’s global warming for all you suckers who believe in that nonsense. Natural weather cycles we call it here in Iceland… Well those photos I took just a few days ago on a trip I like to call the two season trip.. With icy & snowy mountain tops & nice autumn weather and colors down in the valley.. Well the rest of the pictures speak for them self..
Iceland Enduro Rules!! ;)
Friday, September 2, 2011
Friday Metal.. rock.. what ever..
Dimma is an Icelandic Rock band that I like alot! Their guitar player, named Ingólfur, is actually a professional magician.. I saw them live in Reykjavík Icleand last june with a new singer (not the one singing in this video). Was a bit skeptic since I kind of like the old singer. But the new frontman was not bad at all and the band Rocks!! Enjoy the Masterplan...
Iron Horse Mc Show 2010

Friday, August 26, 2011
Friday Metal..
Devildriver - Clouds Over California by Dagoba54
I was taking a look through my blog to see what Metal videos I have posted and what not.
To my big surprise I could not find any videos from Devildriver.. Maybe I didn't look hard and maybe I could care less... This video is, (call me childish), cool as hell... Thundering metal is never wrong! NEVER!
Monday, August 22, 2011
Riggen Hillclimb..

Saturday, July 2, 2011
Reykjavik Bikers...

Friday, June 17, 2011
Friday Metal..
A video from a Icelandic viking metal band called Skálmöld. This band started in 2009 and they will be playing at Wacken Open Air in Germany this August. A great band to present in the ever so seldom "friday metal" post from PP-Choppers as it is the Icelandic National day to day ;o)
Thursday, May 12, 2011
Up in smoke...

This is what happened when I came back to Norway for the Easter holiday.. (been back living in Iceland since xmas) My workshop gone! With 3 Panheads & one Sporty, loads of tools, parts, 3000+ motorcycle magazines from the 60s until now (Old street chopper, MCM etc..), a Ludwig Super Classic drum kit, all my riding gear and so and so on ;o( I have insurance (for what that is worth..) But want to remind you all that you should have a fire alarm of some kind where you keep your most precious belongings! I sure regret that I didn't!! Life sometimes sucks!!!
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Husky Boy..

Moving back to Iceland has not been as easy as I thought.. The economy here sucks and the country is infected with corruption and greed. But the good part is that I now have a toy to play with ;) Got my hands on a almost unused 2008 Husaberg FE450. The bike had 1400 km (about 875 miles) on the clock and for the looks of it only on pavement.. I haven´t had the chance to use it as much as I want because of the snow we had the weeks after I bought it. Therefore I use every chance I get to go riding, now when the snow is gone. Last Sunday I went for a little ride, the weather was ok at first, a bit windy but nothing to worry about (I thought).. All of a sudden the wind got stronger and on two occasions the wind blew me and the bike over. I went on and managed to get to my parents house before the storm hit with full strength. The wind was so strong that 8 airplanes (with about 1000 people inside) where stuck on the runway at Keflavik Airport for 5 hours because they could not park at the terminal or open the doors on the planes due to the strong winds.
You can see a news report from the Icelandic TV channel: Here
The footage of the planes and the car at the airport says it all ;o)